• Mining Skills and Motion Curve sponsor latest BrisBIM Event
    Mining Skills Australia’s introduction to Central Queensland Communities, as Major sponsor of the International Legends of League


Mining Skills Australia was presented with an incredible opportunity to be a major sponsor of the International Legends of League.

It all started last Thursday, 5th of May with a visit to the local BANANA SHIRE COUNCIL communities and their schools, including Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council and Baralaba State School, was welcomed with open arms and amazing hospitality.

Graeme Bradshaw, Director, and RTO Manager,Emma Hutson, represented Mining Skills Australia, while the International Legends of League, NRL Legends, spoke to Woorabinda State SchoolWadja Wadja High School and Baralaba State School about their personal experiences, how they became legends and inspiring the youth of the communities to focus on their goals, by the message of Dream, Believe, Achieve.

Graeme Bradshaw also had the opportunity to speak about his own personal journey to now, Directing and owning Mining Skills Australia, in partnership with Andy Holder.

Emma Hutson and Graeme Bradshaw were very touched by the opportunity to be involved with the communities and very much appreciated the official and traditional welcome to Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council, by the Community Elders followed by a BBQ.

The crew then headed to present at Baralaba State School, followed by a Rugby League coaching clinic made possible by the Biloela Panthers.

Stay tune to get more updates on the event.