Animation is an integral component of Mining Skills Australia, at MSA we use our animations in a blended learning approach to effectively deliver our training packages.  Animation when used as a learning tool severely outweighs other types of media for a variety of reasons, for example: 
  • Animation is completely visual, the cognitive benefit in a learning situation has been proven time and time again to be effective as it is stimulative, constructive and long lasting.

  • Animations also make use of “audio visual education”, the use of audio-visual aids makes the students remember concepts for longer periods of time.

  • Animation is a customisable experience. Mining Skills Australia uses animation as clients and developers can entirely construct a situation or condition to a brief, as opposed to film or video where you are subject to variable situations, using animations means the perfect scenario, every time.

  • Another huge benefit to animation is remote technologies. Animations do not need access to filming locations, expensive equipment or even office spaces, a big advantage in this era of COVID is making use of remote technologies, what this means is that if a lockdown or outbreak occurs, we have the tools and knowledge to remotely deliver products and packages, on time, without delay.

Core Competencies

The animations that are produced at Mining Skills Australia are industry backed practices, this means the animations created are an accurate and real representation of a real-world procedure or practice.

Some of our many animated competency packages include:

  • Consumer customised 3d assets, environments, and practices, this means curation of product to ensure perfect results.

  • Expertise in a myriad of types of media, including but not limited to Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Animation Video, 2D motion graphics and Gamification.

  • Translating training packages and work instructions and workplace procedures into visual information that helps to stimulate learning through audio visual encouragement.

Mining Skills Australia can develop animations for any training-based practice for any industry, we are always looking for ways to innovate and integrate new technologies and ideas into our body of work, Mining Skills Australia prides itself on its modern integration into training and encouragement of educational material for learning development.







            Sample videos

            Mining Skills – The next level in training for your business needs across the mining industry – nationally and globally.
            ABN 24 635 893 220

            POST: Level 7, 26 Wharf Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 (by appointment only)

            Contact Us